Sunday, August 9, 2009


Party went [mostly] as planned. There were a few problems, but everyone expects a hitch now and then. There were three people missing from dinner and two returned after the food had been stored...but it's easy to accomodate afterward if you pack/plan properly. Then there was the food. It was really good (if too much), except that both types of chicken were really dry. Very disappointing...but we're glad we decided on the package versus buying all three proteins made it easier to deal with dry chicken when it's less expensive overall. :)

Not going to get to see my brother until Friday, and then he leaves on Saturday. I remember when we were younger we were always fighting. But hey, if siblings don't fight they're abnormal in my opinion, lol. Now I realize how important he is to me and how much I'll miss him when he's gone. I guess I should've believed my family when they told me as we get older we'll get along better.

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